Aided Display Name: Aiding Mohammadreza

Category: Fundraising

Aider Goal: 3000.00

Aided Recieved: 3000.00

Aider Location: Canada

Aided Location: Iran

Date Start: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 02:00

Date Finish: Thursday, June 30, 2022 - 02:00

Leader: Par Ebrahimi

At first, we started a campaign to help Fatima, a woman with cervical cancer who had a disabled child and was the head of family.
In the middle of the our campaign, one of the members took over all the expenses of this family, as a result, the help was gave to the next person, who was in turn to receive our help.
Mohammadreza was 57 years old and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Since then, he lost his ability to work, due to a mass attached to the nerve behind his stomach; he suffered a lot of pain.
We collected 3000 dollars in this campaign and sent it to him. He had two children and he was the head of family.